Hosted by the Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative (ASHI), join us to learn from an eclectic team of experts, indigenous leaders and international organizations, the opportunities that the PIACI Law can bring to the Amazon Basin. By identifying the scope, nature, and evolution of the legislation and policies in Peru for the PIACI, this becomes a milestone for the whole basin.
In the Peruvian Amazon there are nearly 30 indigenous groups in a condition of voluntary, total or partial isolation. However, the Amazon Basin is home to nearly 200 Uncontated groups. These peoples are in situations of extreme cultural vulnerability but also health, since they have not developed antibodies for a series of diseases that are daily in Western society. In Peru and other Amazon countries, there are various unfortunate experiences of forced or accidental contact that have led to the massive death of this population due to stomach or respiratory viruses. Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, and other Amazonian countries are among the top ten countries severely hit by COVID and this reality exacerbates the risk for the uncontacted groups to disappear. In this context, the approval of this Protective Legislation is urgent as the spread of the virus, particularly in the Peruvian Amazon, is moving with worrying speed.
You can expect:
1. TO LEARN about the trajectory of the PIACI Law in Peru
2. TO UNDERSTAND the aftermath of COVID in the lives of indigenous uncontacted peoples and the link to extractivist industries
3. TO ENGAGE in global campaign and networks that aim at protecting the lives of the Uncontacted peoples in Peru and the whole Amazon Basin