Bats are amazing animals that are vital to the health of our environment and economy. Although we may not always see them, bats are hard at work all around the world each night – they are pollinators, dispersers of seeds and controllers of insect pests. In this webinar, bat experts will explore the importance of bats to the health of ecosystems and share the latest information on the links between wild animals and disease. You’ll also be updated on the new, virtual ways to participate in Bat Week 2020 (October 24- 31), the international celebration to raise awareness about the need for bat conservation.
You’ll learn:
- How the more than 3,000 species of bats worldwide play integral roles in global ecosystems
- The latest on bats in the news and how habitat degradation, climate change and human actions play a role in the spread of zoonotic disease
- Educational lessons and activities to implement for Bat Week, both formal or informal, and how to teach others about bats
Who should take this webinar:
- Anyone interested in learning about bats, teaching about bats or hosting a virtual bat week event
- Regional and corporate-level managers who manage bat projects
- Agencies, NGOs and other partners interested in managing lands for bats or implementing bat education
- Mylea Bayless, Senior Director, Network & Partnerships, Bat Conservation International
- Patrice Klein, National Program Lead, Fish & Wildlife Health, US Forest Service
- Kimberly A. Winter, NatureWatch National Program Manager, USDA, US Forest Service