MAAP Report: Protected areas & Indigenous territories effective against deforestation in the western amazon

By Andes Amazon Fund | July 29, 2021

New MAAP report findings in the Western Amazon reveal protected areas had the lowest primary forest loss rate, closely followed by Indigenous territories, meaning the establishment and effective management of protected areas & Indigenous territories…

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A Bolivian ‘Cloud Forest’ Reveals a Bonanza of New Species

By Andes Amazon Fund | December 15, 2020

A Bolivian cloud forest makes its case for being a global biodiversity hotspot with the discovery of 20 new species and the re-discovery of 4 previously extinct species. As the…

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Cuatro claves para entender por qué el mar peruano está bajo amenaza

By Andes Amazon Fund | August 28, 2020

Noticias de parte de nuestros socios Mongabay Latam. “El mar del norte del Perú representa, por lo menos, el 70 % de la variedad biológica marina, con un enorme número…

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For the Amazon’s rarest wild dog, deforestation is a very real threat

By Andes Amazon Fund | July 31, 2020

News from our grantees at Mongabay Latam. The short-eared dog, an elusive species endemic to the Amazon, could lose 30% of its habitat in just the next seven years. To…

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How much rainforest is being destroyed?

By Andes Amazon Fund | July 28, 2020

“Primary forests in the tropics are declining at an accelerating rate according to analysis of satellite data released last week by the University of Maryland (UMD) and World Resources Institute (WRI). Since 2002, the tropics lost more than 60 million hectares of primary forests, an area larger than the combined land mass of the states of California and Missouri or the island nation of Madagascar.”

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Economic Benefits of Protecting 30% of Planet’s Land and Ocean Outweigh the Costs at Least 5-to-1

By Andes Amazon Fund | July 17, 2020

Official report backed by 100 experts concludes that protected areas boost the global economy and deliver key non-monetary benefits. 30% protection would lead to increased economic output averaging $250 billion annually.

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Los guardianes del Perú natural en tiempos de la COVID-19

By Andes Amazon Fund | June 4, 2020

Comentario escrito por Enrique Ortiz En celebración del Día del Trabajo, nuestro colega Enrique Ortiz destaca el compromiso y el esfuerzo de los guardaparques de Perú, nuestros guardianes de la…

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Protecting nature in order to liberate it

By Andes Amazon Fund | June 4, 2020

A serious campaign in underway to have 30% of the Earth designated as a conservation area by 2030. Currently, only 15% of land and 7% of our oceans are protected.…

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A close up photo of a bat eating fruit

Are Bats Dangerous?

By Andes Amazon Fund | June 4, 2020

Commentary written for AAF grantee Mongabay by Enrique Ortiz The reputation of the bat has suffered due to COVID-19, but this misunderstood species plays a critical role in our collective…

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